It's a puzzle game about experiencing a bugged-out UI while trying to buy a game from Steam before the discount ends. Describing it further would be puzzle solution spoilers, so figure it out and have fun!

Mode of control: Mouse clicks

- Design -



Bold Action Man


- Programming -



Bold Action Man



- Art -


Tiny Worlds (Unity Asset Store)

- Music -

GWRITERSTUDIO (Unity Asset Store)

PABLO WUNDERLICH (Unity Asset Store)

- Sound Effects -

VINCENT T (Unity Asset Store)

CABLED_MESS (Unity Asset Store)

- Easter Egg References -

Vergil Status - SgenSN (Youtube)

S Stands for Revengeance Status - TheBlueLight (Youtube)

Josh Hutcherson || Whistle - MetroGirlzStation (Youtube)

Jogoat Vs Fraudkuna | Jujutsu kaisen Fan Animation - Dish_Soap (Youtube)

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video) - Rick Astley (Youtube)

Completed in 48 Hours as a GGJ2024 submission

GGJ Game Page:


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New review: Beautiful, nah id cry. Standing on this game made me proud to realise i am the honored one

im going insane i cannot progress past the main menu pls tell how i have done everything, clicked everything, draged everything i hve tried typing with my keyboard and finising those two brainrotting videos it doesnt work

nvm i found it and its the most stupid thing ever. Literally find the O, can be anywhere. Including the text